With modern techniques and individual treatment plans, we do everything we can to preserve your natural teeth in the long term.
Dental Restoration
Total dental restoration
A dental restoration includes all treatments to maintain or restore chewing function, phonetics and aesthetics.
We use the term of a total restoration, if at least half of all teeth require treatments to restore their dental health. Depending on the individual condition of the teeth, comprehensive dental treatments are combined within several appointments in a previously planned sequence.
A dental restoration is not just the creation of dentures, it is more of a general overhaul of the entire set of teeth.
Why is a complete dental restoration necessary?
In most cases, anxious patients require a complete dental restoration. Due to their fear of the dentist and visits to the practice, they have often not had a check-up for years. Minor tooth damage, gum inflammation or loose teeth are ignored and develop into major functional and painful problems over time. People with a pronounced dental phobia prefer to put up with extreme toothache and the loss of teeth for a long time rather than visit the dentist for treatment. In their distress, they often only go to the dental practice when the physical and psychological stress has become unbearable.
Persistently poor dental hygiene and an unhealthy diet, as well as a genetic predisposition, can also lead to the need for a complete restoration.
How does a complete dental restoration work?
It always starts with an in-depth consultation and a comprehensive dental examination to assess the condition of the teeth and determine the patient's wishes and goals.
Together with the patient, we determine an individual and needs-optimized treatment plan for the patient in order to restore the natural function and appearance of the teeth.
The patient's personal ideas and financial possibilities are also taken into account during the planning process. Some patients primarily want to finally be able to live without pain and eat properly again. Others also attach importance to the most aesthetic result possible.
A detailed examination and x-rays provide information about the condition of the teeth and gums.
The individual treatment steps and the number of appointments depend on the patient's individual dental condition. Depending on requirements, the measures can cover the entire range of dental options:
- Tooth extractions, removal of root residues
- Tooth fillings
- Root canal treatments
- Periodontal treatments
- Bone augmentation
- Dental implants
- Planning and fabrication of dental prostheses (crowns, bridges, dental implants, dentures)
- Professional teeth cleaning
Why should teeth be restored before cancer treatment?
Chemotherapy attacks the cells in the body that divide particularly quickly. This includes not only cancer cells, but also the cells of the oral mucosa. Cancer drugs weaken the immune system, radiation to the head and neck area can cause inflammation of the oral mucosa (oral mucositis) and problems with the salivary glands. Dry mouth, loss of taste, loss of appetite and difficulty swallowing are the result. Viruses, bacteria or fungi then spread very easily in the mouth and penetrate the tissue. A healthy set of teeth without damage or inflammation of the gums reduces the consequences of these unpleasant side effects and lowers the risk of bone necrosis through the administration of bisphosphonates.
A complete dental restoration is necessary if more than half of the teeth in the mouth require treatment to restore good function and aesthetics.