Our individual dental aesthetic solutions let your teeth shine in new splendor and ensure a self-confident appearance. Trust in our expertise for aesthetic perfection.
Smile Check
As part of the Smile Check, you will talk to Dr. Nina van Sprundel about your ideas and wishes regarding the redesign of your smile. Subsequently, we will analyze your teeth as part of a short examination.
As a result, you will receive an objective opinion on the condition of your teeth and a recommendation on what dental measures we can take to give you a new, healthy and beautiful smile.
Your smile should be naturally beautiful as a result of dental aesthetic treatment. To ensure this, it is important to match the color and shape of your teeth, as well as the course of your gums, to the overall aesthetics of your face.
A smile design, i.e. the new target situation of your teeth, could be discussed in a second appointment. We will also be happy to discuss the expected costs and treatment planning with you in a second appointment.